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Folha de Sao Paulo, April 14, 1999
"Prove que voce e humano" by David Pescovitz

      (This article not available in English.)

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The New York Times, March 18, 1999
Look What's Talking: Software Robots by David Pescovitz

      Begun in 1991, the Loebner Prize competition, underwritten by Hugh Loebner, a New York philanthropist, has put chatterbots to the Turing test. (In a spoof, the PBS Online Web Lab runs the Blurring test, at www.weblab.org/blurring, which features a chatterbot asking users to prove that they are human...

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Southern Skies (New Zealand), March, 1999
I Stink, Therefore I Am... by Judy Voultaire (excerpts archived on weblab.org)

      I'm sitting at home in the bush, talking to a computer somewhere in North America. In an amusing twist on Alan Turing's test of artificial intelligence, it's challenging me to prove that I'm human. The test, devised by Turing, mathematician and father of computer science, is 50 years old this year. It requires a machine and human, both incognito, to be quizzed by an interrogator trying to determine which of the two is human. The discussion is textually based, and appears typed on a screen. If the interrogator guesses wrong half of the time, then the two are judged to be indistinguishable intellectually...

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