TITLE Time Bandits  page 1 of 5
SUBHEAD How Work Sneaks Away
with Our Personal Time
AUTHOR Jennifer Vogel & Robin Marks

time bandits

Some Questions About Your Workplace

Speak Up:
Is work taking over your personal life?

It's a summer Saturday and a parade is passing by. Two girls wave to get the attention of a clown as their father, missing out on the scene, barks into his cell phone "I told them I planned to stock their high profile line. See if you can get it at a discount and then let's have a meeting Monday to go over it."

At 4:00 on a Wednesday afternoon, a woman hits the McDonald's drive-through for the day's only meal, to be eaten in transit. When she gets to the pickup window, she's talking to a client on one cell phone and a co-worker on the other, with no hand free to grab the waiting Big Mac and fries.

A recent evening at an Internet publishing company finds desks occupied by a horde of workers pounding away at keyboards long after banking hours. "Salaried associates should clearly understand that they will frequently work extended hours to help the company succeed," reads the employee manual. "You can work long, hard, or smart, but you cannot choose two out three."

What the Hell is going on here? Are these people so in love with their work that they'll give up valuable free time to finish that last report? Welcome to a new work ethic, one where slaving long hours is a point of pride and vacations are for wimps. It used to be that the army did more by 6 am than the rest of us did all day. Now the schedules of employer boot camps are leaving the military in the dust.

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