Is everyone telling you to do something different? Does it seem like you have more than one boss and that it's unclear who you should listen to?
Hardly ever
Sometimes, but not often
Way too friggin' much
Are you working in unsafe conditions (fumes, loud noise, the threat of things falling on your head), or is your office environment depressing? Do you work alone frequently and feel like your office is an isolation tank?
Hardly ever
Sometimes, but not often
Way too friggin' much
Are you in the habit of working "heroic" hours or days in a row without a break?
Hardly ever
Sometimes, but not often
Way too friggin' much
Do you feel stuck in a position with little creative opportunity? Do you feel like you're not challenged or that the tasks involved in your job bore the heck out of you?
Hardly ever
Sometimes, but not often
Way too friggin' much
Do you feel you aren't paid enough (realistically...) or that you don't have much opportunity for advancement?
Hardly ever
Sometimes, but not often
Way too friggin' much
Is your workplace physically uncomfortable? Does your office chair give you backaches? Does your job itself cause you physical pain?
Hardly ever
Sometimes, but not often
Way too friggin' much
Do you feel like you don't have enough time to eat or visit the bathroom during the day? Do you "forget" or "not get a chance" to take your legally-guaranteed breaks?
Hardly ever
Sometimes, but not often
Way too friggin' much
Are you worried about being ushered into the netherworld of the unemployed? Are there lay-offs or other company dynamics that might lead to your being without a job in the foreseeable future?
Hardly ever
Sometimes, but not often
Way too friggin' much
Do office politics or hassles with co-workers make you dread going to work or encountering certain colleagues during the day?
Hardly ever
Sometimes, but not often
Way too friggin' much
Is it unclear exactly what your job is? Do you feel as though your job description changes from day to day or keeps expanding?
Hardly ever
Sometimes, but not often
Way too friggin' much
Do you feel like the technologies or policies in your workplace are changing too fast? Do you feel constant pressure to learn about new computer programs in your off time, just to keep up?
Hardly ever
Sometimes, but not often
Way too friggin' much
Does it seem like the work you're being asked to do is more than can be accomplished considering the money, personnel, and other workplace resources at your disposal?
Hardly ever
Sometimes, but not often
Way too friggin' much
Do you have any ethical problems with the work you do or the company you're working for? Do you feel pressured to perform tasks or do things that are against your better judgement?
Hardly ever
Sometimes, but not often
Way too friggin' much
Do you have an overly-frustrating relationship with your boss? Do you feel like your concerns, opinions and observations aren't taken into consideration?
Hardly ever
Sometimes, but not often
Way too friggin' much
Are you given responsibilities but not the authority or the access to information needed to carry them out?
Hardly ever
Sometimes, but not often
Way too friggin' much
Does it seem like popularity and politics in your workplace are more important than performance? Do you feel like there's a weak relationship between how you perform and how you are rated or paid?
Hardly ever
Sometimes, but not often
Way too friggin' much