Web Lab
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The Web Development Fund
2 / General Coverage
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Round 2 / General Coverage

Wired News, January 29, 1999
Fund Gap for Public-Interest Net, by Steve Silberman
Welcome to the World Wide Web of the future, where AOLscape, YahooCities, and MicroBucks fight for your eyeballs with wide-screen video portals and product placements in your palmtop. Marc Weiss, the founder of the Silicon Alley-based Web Lab, took up arms against that way-new wasteland last year. Building on his track record as the man who brought the vision of independent filmmakers to the home screen with the public-TV showcase POV, Weiss launched the Web Development Fund as a Web Lab project to nurture sites emphasizing community building and complex social issues...
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Wired News, August 7, 1998
Web Lab's Weiss on Vision, by Steve Silberman
The Web Lab is an innovation designed to spark innovation. The Silicon Alley brainchild of executive director Marc Weiss, who also fathered P.O.V., the award-winning independent film showcase on PBS, the Web Lab nurtures the development of visionary online projects...
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