
Re: ex-inmates looking for work
Posted by: Margie Acevedo on May 16, 19100 at 11:49:08:
In Response to: Re: ex-inmates looking for work posted by Ronald Roulhac on May 21, 1999 at 13:41:33:

My boyfriend is a 37 year old man who spent most of his younger years in prison. His time was for selling drugs. He realized a couple of years before he was let out that his life had to change drastically, he had a lot of things to make up to a lot of people. He wants and needs to do right. We are both from the ghetto in the South Bronx of New York, he became a drug dealer and I became an administrative assistant. We had different role models and home environments, I recieved a lot of love, affection, and encouragement from my mother, he received insults, rejection, and phrases like " Your brother is better, your brother is my favorite, you're nothing". He needs to have a sense self-worth so we can attempt a future together.
He has a class D driver's license, has a maintenance certification and has a very hard-working demeanor. He is old enough to know he needs to rectify and young enough to make a change in his life with me. Thank You.

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