The following Featured Posts are a collection of farewell comments from the 25 dialogue groups.
TV Group 11
108. thanks
Thu, Oct 7, 1999 - 4:38 PM/EST
just want to thank everyone since I don't know if I'll be able to check in tomorrow. easily the most satisfying on-line discussion I've had and I have appreciated each and every post. I don't know if it's an accident or what, but the last two weeks at the rec center where I play ball- where there are teenagers up to oldsters like me, white guys, African-Americans, Samoans, other Asian- Americans, gangsters, working class and yuppies; there has been nothing but mutual respect
and love, even dialogue, all on the nieghborhood court (and all men!). here's to making connections, both here and out in world. peace.
Relationship Group 9
19. Philosophizing...
Thu, Oct 7, 1999 - 11:17 PM/EST
Reflecting on the disagreements between myself and
others and between some of you in this thread, I
am reminded how tricky communication can be. One
thing I do know is that when I truly feel accepted
and listened to, disagreement is not a problem. I
merely want to have what I've tried to express,
understood. I am not interested in changing
anyone's views. In fact, I know without a doubt
that the only one who can change my views is ME,
all others can do is offer new ideas which I can
weigh against what I hold as true. Also,
statistics do have limited value, in the end my
truths come out of what I feel in my heart and my
life experience. Listening to other views,
without judgement, helps discussion move forward.
It's like brainstorming, some of the ideas may
sound crazy to me or to you, but they may have
merit. I'm not sure that any of my ideas led you
to think in new directions, but hearing your ideas
broadened my thinking on this issue, so thanks.
TV Group 3
181. Thanks for sharing
Tue, Oct 5, 1999 - /EST
I have enjoyed reading and participating very much. I am alittle disappointed that most of us did not really "talk" to one another, but I can truly say each post I read made some kind of impression on me. Mostly I am feeling hopeful for us as "the human race" from this experience.
The time has more than come for us to get past the foolish hate of people of different race, and religion,to stop judging others on looks, gender, or political party and economic status.
It is my hope and prayer that my grandchildren will never face the same issues Cicly and my children have had to face. Thank you all for sharing. I wish you peace and happiness
Under 25 Group 3
1. Adieu, adieu...parting is such sweet sorrow
Wed, Oct 6, 1999 - 5:23 PM/EST
Well, I have had a great time reading all of your posts! I have enjoyed talking with everyone I talked to! This has been a great experience, I've really learned a lot! I finally understand some of the views that were posted, that were confusing to me before!! Although I don't agree with all of you, I have a deep respect for you! Thank you all so much for your insight and for helping me to understand certain aspects of life more!!! I'm definitely going to miss your comments, so please email me, if you would like to continue talking.
TV Group 11
6. Thanks
Mon, Oct 4, 1999 - 4:58 PM/EST
I just want to say thanks to all of you for expressing your HONEST opinions. I never thought about some of these issues and it has really opened a lot of discussions at our house. I'll miss this place, but I too would love to continue the discussion from time to time.
Relationship Group 3
1. Goodbye/Hello
Mon, Oct 4, 1999 - 11:06 PM/EST
Well, I guess it's time for us to say goodbye to our group in this ALS discussion. I am looking forward to seeing everyone on the Onelist though... I hope that everyone is going to participate!!
Thanks to all of you for sharing your stories with me! I feel like I have learned so much from all of you. I really do seem to look at the world much differently now. It seems so much brighter and happier to me.
TV Group 11
13. Auf Wiedersehen
Tue, Oct 5, 1999 - 11:31 PM/EST
What a great opportunity this has been. Even though I didn't post as often as I would have liked; it was inspiring to read such thought-provoking posts. For all of our differences, we are so very much alike--we care to want to make a difference!
TV Group 1
1. So long, farewell, auf weidersein, good-bye...
Wed, Sep 29, 1999 - 5:51 PM/EST
Quite frankly, I signed up for this as a support group. When we do find a mixed couple in this city, they're usually not a good social or intellectual match for us (i.e., wrong hobbies, wrong age, etc.). We have friends, but I was sure there were peculiarities about our situation that were unique. Also, we're at the do or die stage for offspring, and I was a little uncertain. Friends have advised us not to have any, and one local example seemed to prove their point.
Seeing what Cicily and Chaney faced 10 years ago, knowing things like this project are helping to adjust public thinking (if only a little--ants, dragon, etc.), realising the difference between what Karen went through when she fell in love with Bill and my life now--hey. I think we're going to be just fine.
Good-bye and thanks to the Wilson-Sims family; our documentarists; Diane, Joan, Tha'Duke, Smitty, and Charlley; even Cook, Link, and David10. Special thanks to the Webguys.
See you in the afterlife.
Relationship Group 2
1. Goodbyes
Thu, Sep 30, 1999 - 10:14 PM/EST
As we head into the last 24 hours of our adventure together, I just wanted to tell everyone thanks. This was the first on-line discussion I've ever been a part of, and it was very rewarding.
To the parents of multi-racial children: Thanks. You've given me hope tempered with caution. I wish the best to you and your families.
To my fellow Southerners (if you'll allow this transplanted Yankee into the fellowship): Thanks for making me feel like this can be home. Racism and fanaticism can take place anywhere, but I think the South gets an exceptionally bad rap. Hopefully it is largely undeserved.
And to Alfie (a singular comment for a singular lady): We have disagreed strenuously, but I have learned more than I can say, and for my two cents, this discussion wouldn't have been worth nearly as much without you bringing us face-to-face with cold reality. Thanks.
To everyone, I hope that the world shows you it's best. Keep in touch.